Welcome to the Shire of Owlsherst

Bringing medieval arts, culture and pageantry to York and Lancaster County PA

Upcoming Events

October 12, 2024 | Narvon PA

Food Fiber Forestry and Fun

January 18, 2025 | York PA

Owlsherst Country 12th Night

Are You New To The SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism is a worldwide medieval society re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our regular activities, open to the public, include tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and more.

Upcoming Events

From Fighter’s Practice to Cook’s Guild, Monthly Shire Meetings to All-Day Events, visit our Online Calendar and Events Information Page to see what is happening in the Shire and how you can join us (we’ll give you a hint: it’s really easy!).